Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I've started my first Alt on Alliance.

I'm angry!! Very annoyed. It seems impossible to get into a group for an instance run prior to level 80 without either being in a large guild or being a Healer or a Tank. The guild I am currently in 'Old-School' is pretty cool so far.. The guild seems to be full of really nice folks, however the majority of them are already level 80. I can't blame them for not wanting to take time out of their daily grinding and heroic runs to run me through an instance or two. To be totally honest a couple of them already have. Personally I don't like being run through an instance, whereas I like the challenge of doing it with others of equal level of myself. Some would call the prior statement as having your hand held, and I believe that when you are run through an instance you don't really learn how to play your class any better. Old-School only has a few healers and tanks so getting instance runs on a regular basis doesn't happen.

So my other option is to go into the LFG system or ask in General Chat. The other day I wanted to run GunDrak with the twin Locks, Moderna and Hexena and I spammed trade and general chat in Dalaran to no avail. I then flew from Zul-Drak to Sholazar Basin and back spamming the request for a Healer and Tank without a single response. One thing I will never do is interrupt people while they are playing with a Ninja Invite. I also don't like whispering folks I don't know and asking them to run an instance with me. I could do this as a last resort, but I'm sure if they aren't AFK, they can see my messages in the channels.

There really isn't any other way to get groups. You see, my favorite, absolute favorite part of playing World Of Warcraft is running instances. You get the best gear upgrades short of raiding and also gives you a real challenge. Let's be honest here.. Questing is fun sometimes, but fighting mobs really aren't much of a challenge. The meat and potatoes of WOW is Instances and Raiding. I don't PVP so the one thing I enjoy I don't get to do.

And you can FORGET about running old-world or BC instances. While it is a rare occurrence to get a group together for instances on Azeroth, it's like pulling teeth to get people to run any content in Burning Crusade minus Hellfire Instances. It's like people get their upgrades so their gear is good enough to have an edge on quests in BC, and then rush to 68 to get to Northrend to repeat the process.

I am level 78 now and I've run only the instances you see in this Blog. I wanted to get some heirloom items to roll a Warrior for myself, but with 6 Stone Keeper's Shards out of the 200 I might need for one piece. It's never gonna happen.

There is a solution on the horizon. Cross Server LFG which was announced at BlizzCon. I have high hopes for it right now, but let's look at the past LFG methods. It hardly worked in the past with the LFG channel, and currently with the LFG system.


What did I do? I rolled an Alt. I now have Devilsade - Female Draenei Warrior who is level 13 as we speak. I'm going to play her every-other day and hope this fixes the problem of finding a Tank for a group, since I will be one. I gotta do what I gotta do to get some instance runs, even if it means dropping my Rogue that I worked so hard on and making Devilsade my main.

What does this mean for the Blog? I'll keep it. I want to raid with my Rogue..... But.. Will I start chronicling my adventures with my Warrior? I doubt it. No one reads this thing anyway!!!

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