Friday, September 11, 2009

Jenkins!, UBRS and the first boss of Blackwing Lair.

So I guess for a fun night the guild decided to do some old-world instances. Molten Core, BWL, Magisters Terrace where all thought of, but it was decided that Blackwing Lair was it. When we arrived there I guess it was then that we realized that none of us were attuned to take the short-cut into BWL, so we decided to get it done. We split into two groups and while we were in Upper Blackrock Spire I got the Leeeerrroooy achievement. Upon getting both groups attuned we made our attempts at Razorgore, the first boss of BWL. We took him down with ease, but then in common Blizzard fashion, the raid bugged out. The mobs that spawn in the corners of the room decided to not stop coming out.

So we decided to leave the instance and let it soft reset. Thats when we realized one of our members never got attuned (he took the UBRS entrance), so we decided to help him get attuned as well. Well, our luck was about to get worse, as the arena part of UBRS kept bugging out and we kept getting stuck there with Nefarian laughing at us. At this point is was getting late, so a lot of folks started to leave.

So it wasn't a complete loss. I got the Leeeerrroooy Achievement as well as the UBRS dungeon clear one too. Was fun to get a big guild run going even if the instances kept bugging out. Just my luck. Perhaps now that we're all attuned we can go back into BWL and clear it next time.

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